vO.6.3 Release Notes

This is a minor release with new enhancements and issue fixes.


  • Updated SPARQL query rewriting to no longer require the presence of a JSONLD @vocab in the context (i.e. context.has_vocab()==True) and to raise QueryingError when an unknown term and no @vocab are provided. #180 (Try it using the Querying notebook Binder_Querying)

  • Set rdflib-jsonld version to <=0.5.0 and rdflib to <6.0.0 to prevent dependencies collision as rdflib-jsonld is now included in rdflib from version <6.0.0 #186

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ignored url fragment when retrieving a resource from BlueBrainNexus store #179 (fixes #156)

  • Fixed JSONDecodeError thrown when BlueBrainNexus store failed to parse non JSON formatted response #181

  • Added support for setting http query param value for the Store methods #183 (fixes #171)