Release Notes



Binder_Resolving and Binder_Resolving_UseCase to try.

  • Enabled resolver mapping files to contain rules calling a forge method #323 (issue #316)

  • More properties (e.g. altLabel, definition, isPartOf, …) are retrieved when resolving an ontology term (#337)

  • alternateName property can be used to resolve agent in AgentResolver #404

  • OntologyResolver: Added an ontology resolver target ‘Strain’ #405


Binder_Querying to try the enhancements.

  • BlueBrainNexus store: An elasticsearch or sparql view id can be provided using a view argument when calling forge.sparql, forge.elastic or (#373) If a view id is provided, only data accessible from that view will be searched and retrieved.

  • forge.elastic can now return results as list of dict instead of a list of Resource when as_resource is set to False #382


Binder_JSONLD to try the enhancements.


Binder_Modeling to try the enhancements.

  • RdfModel: Added support for importing ontologies from SHACL schemas using owl:imports. Added support for inference. Use forge.validate(resource, inference=”inference_value”, type_=’AType’) with inference_value as in pyshacl. inference_value=”rdfs” is enough to extend the resource to validate with the transitive closures of type subClassOf and/or property subPropertyOf relations. Validation will fail when a type not in the resource to validate is provided as value of the type_ argument unless inference is enabled (with inference=’rdfs’ for example) and the resource type is a subClassOf of the value of type_ #396 (issue #369)


Binder_Dataset to try the enhancements.

  • Added add_image method to the Dataset class #389 (issue #388 ). This method will upload the image in the configured store and add an image property to the Dataset with the return dict as value made of at least the @id of the uploaded image.


Full changelog