Knowledge graph interaction


With Nexus Forge, creating knowledge graphs from data sources potentially using data transformations and registering them in a Store or searching data from it, starts by initialising a KnowledgeGraphForge session:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration: Union[str, Dict], **kwargs)

where the configuration accepts:

  • an YAML formatted content inline, from a file path or from a URL,

  • or a JSON format content inline

The required minimal configuration defines:

  • a Store for storing, managing and accessing knowledge graphs. By default, Nexus Forge comes with the support of an in memory DemoStore and a persistent BlueBrainNexus store based on Blue Brain Nexus Delta. Other stores can be added by implementing Nexus Forge’s interface.

  • a Model implementing a schema language to validate and constraint knowledge graphs. By default, Nexus Forge comes with a DemoModel supporting the JSON format and a RdfModel supporting the W3C Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL). Other schemas languages can be added by implementing Nexus Forge’s kgforge.core.archetypes.model.Model interface.

  name: <a class name of a Model implementing a data schema language>
  origin: < allowed values are 'directory', 'web_service', or 'store'>
  source: <a directory path, a URL, or the class name of a Store from which schemas can be loaded>
  name: <the class name of the Store to use>

A minimal YAML formatted configuration for each of Demo BlueBrainNexus stores would look like:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
config_DemoStore = """
       name: DemoModel
       origin: directory
       source: ../../../tests/data/demo-model/
       name: DemoStore

config_BlueBrainNexus = """
       name: RdfModel
       origin: store         # 'directory' can be provided in case schemas are stored in a folder
       bucket: <org/project> # A Blue Brain Nexus organisation and project can be provided as bucket
       name: BlueBrainNexus,
       bucket: <org/project> # A Blue Brain Nexus organisation and project can be provided as bucket

forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration=config)

See the configuration documentation page section for a full list of forge configuration and see the examples/notebooks/use-cases/ folder for more real world YAML examples.


Try Binder

A Resource is the base data exchange object in Nexus Forge. It is an identifiable data object with potentially a set of properties as metadata. Reserved properties of a Resource are: id, type and context.

A Resource can be created using:

  • keyword arguments:

from kgforge.core import Resource
resource = Resource(name="Jane Doe", type="Person", email="")
  • a JSON dictionary:

from kgforge.core import Resource
data = {
 "name": "Jane Dow",
 "type" : "Person",
 "email" : ""
resource = Resource(data)
  • or a dataframe:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
import pandas as pd
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml", **kwargs)
dataframe = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
resources = forge.from_dataframe(dataframe)

A resource can have files attached by assigning the output of forge.attach method to a property in the resource:

resource.picture = forge.attach("path/to/file.jpg")


A Dataset is a specialization of a Resource that provides users with operations to handle files, record their provenance and describe them with metadata. The metadata of Datasets refers specifically to, but not limited to:

  • Provenance:

    • contribution (people, organizations or software agents that contributed to the creation of the Dataset),

    • generation (links to resources used to generate this Dataset),

    • derivation (links another resource from which the Dataset is generated),

    • invalidation (data became invalid)

  • Data storage and access:

    • distribution (a downloadable form of the Dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format)

The Dataset class provides methods for adding files to a Dataset. The added files will only be uploaded in the Store when the forge.register function is called on the Dataset so that the user flow is not slowed down and for efficiency purpose. This is done using the concept of LazyAction, which is a class that will hold an action that will be executed when required.

After the registration of the Dataset, a DataDownload resource will be added with automatically extracted properties, such as the file content type, size, name, etc.

The Dataset signature class corresponds to:

Dataset(forge: KnowledgeGraphForge, type: str = "Dataset", **properties)
  add_parts(resources: List[Resource], versioned: bool = True) -> None
  add_distribution(path: str, content_type: str = None) -> None
  add_contribution(resource: Union[str, Resource], versioned: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None
  add_generation(resource: Union[str, Resource], versioned: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None
  add_derivation(resource: Union[str, Resource], versioned: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None
  add_invalidation(resource: Union[str, Resource], versioned: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None
  add_files(path: str, content_type: str = None) -> None
  download(path: str, source: str, overwrite: bool = False, cross_bucket: bool = False) -> None
  from_resource(forge: KnowledgeGraphForge, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], store_metadata: bool = False) -> Union[Dataset, List[Dataset]]

Creating a Dataset object can be done with:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.specializations.resources import Dataset
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml", **kwargs)
dataset = Dataset(forge, name="Interesting dataset")
dataset.add_distribution("path/to/file.jpg", content_type="image/jpeg")

or from a Resource instance:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.specializations.resources import Dataset, Resource
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml", **kwargs)
resource = Resource(name="Jane Doe", type="Person", email="")
dataset = Dataset.from_resource(forge, resource, store_metadata=True)


Storing allows users to persist and manage Resources in the configured store. Resources contain additional hidden properties accounting for their state and allowing recovering from errors:

  • _last_action, contains information about the last action that took place in the resource (e.g. register, update, etc.)

  • _synchronized, indicates that the last action succeeded

  • _store_metadata, keeps additional resource metadata potentially provided by the store such as version, creation date, etc.

The Store interface exposes the following functions related to storing resources:

forge.register(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str]=None) -> None
forge.update(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None
forge.deprecate(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None

Storing a Dataset (or a Resource) can be performed as follows:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.specializations.resources import Dataset

forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml", **kwargs)
dataset = Dataset(forge, name="Interesting dataset")
dataset.add_distribution("path/to/file.jpg", content_type="image/jpeg")


Stored resources can be searched from a store (1) by id, (2) by specifying filters in key<op>value or dict format, (3) by using SPARQL query if supported by the store (4) or by using an ElasticSearch query if supported by the store.

forge.retrieve(id: str, version: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, cross_bucket: bool = False) -> Resource
forge.paths(type: str) -> PathsWrapper # introspect a schema by type and return all defined property paths*filters, **params) -> List[Resource] # a cross_bucket param can be used to enable cross bucket search (True) or not (False)
forge.sparql(query: str, debug: bool, limit: int, offset: int = None) -> List[Resource]
forge.elastic(query: str, debug: bool, limit: int, offset: int = None) -> List[Resource] # for elasticsearch query Union[Resource, List[Resource]], follow: str, path: str, overwrite: bool = False, cross_bucket: bool = False) -> None

Currently*filters, **params) will rewrite the filters as a SPARQL query. When the cross_bucket=True param is set, then it can be complemented with a ‘bucket=<str>’ param to filter the bucket to search in.

Next are examples of search calls:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.specializations.resources import Dataset
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration="./config.yml", **kwargs)

# Retrieve by id at a given version
result = forge.retrieve(id="...", version="version")
# Filter by type using a dictionary
filters = {"type":"Dataset"}
results_filters =, limit=10, offset=0, deprecated=False)
# Filter by type using a dictionary and get distinct results
distinct_results_filters =, limit=10, offset=0, distinct=True)
# Filter by type using a paths
paths = forge.paths("Dataset")
result_paths ="Dataset", limit=10, offset=0, deprecated=False)


Resources can be versioned, if the configured Store supports it. forge.tag is equivalent to a git tag while forge.freeze replaces all resources’ references within a given Resource by a version identifier

The KnowledgeGraphForge class exposes the following functions related to versioning resources:

forge.tag(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], value: str) -> None
forge.freeze(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None

Next are examples of resource tag and freeze calls:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.specializations.resources import Dataset

forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration="./config.yml")
dataset = Dataset(forge, name="Interesting dataset")
dataset.add_distribution("path/to/file.jpg", content_type="image/jpeg")
forge.tag(data=dataset, value="v1.0.0) # Any str can be used for 'value'


To use Resources with other libraries such as pandas and RDFLib, different conversion functions are available.

forge.as_json(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], expanded: bool = False, store_metadata: bool = False) -> Union[Dict, List[Dict]]
forge.as_jsonld(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], compacted: bool = True, store_metadata: bool = False) -> Union[Dict, List[Dict]]
forge.as_graph(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], store_metadata: bool = False) -> Graph
forge.as_dataframe(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = [None], nesting: str = ".", expanded: bool = False, store_metadata: bool = False) -> DataFrame
forge.from_json(data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]], na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]
forge.from_jsonld(data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]
forge.from_graph(data: rdflib.Graph, type = Optional[Union[str, List]] = None, frame: Dict = None, model_context: Optional[Context] = None) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]
forge.from_dataframe(data: DataFrame, na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = np.nan, nesting: str = ".") -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]

For example resources can be created from a pandas dataframe:

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
import pandas as pd
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml")
dataframe = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
resources = forge.from_dataframe(dataframe)


A preconfigured set of string formats can be provided to ensure the consistency of data.

forge.format(what: str, *args) -> str

Next is an example of formatting a resource identifier with a namespace. This make all resources identifiers fall under the same namespace.

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.core import Resource
config = """
               name: DemoModel
               origin: directory
               source: ../../../tests/data/demo-model/
               name: DemoStore
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= config)
_id = forge.format(what="identifier", "uuid")
resource = Resource(id=_id, name="Jane Doe", type="Person")


A Resolver is used to link terms or a Resource to identifiers (URIs) in a knowledge graph thus addressing lexical variations (merging of synonyms, aliases and acronyms) and disambiguating them. This feature is also referred to as entity linking specially in the context of Natural Language Processing (NLP) when building knowledge graph from entities extracted from text documents. For example the text USA and America can be both resolved (or link) to the same DBpedia URI using the DBpedia look up service.

Resolving involves two main steps:

  • candidates generation: resolving often results in many possible resources to link to called candidates. Each candidate is associated with a score representing how close it is to the input text to resolve. Candidates then can be ranked based on different criteria (e.g score, context of occurrence in a given document) combined using different strategies including exact or fuzzy matches. For example resolving the text America using the DBpedia look up service yields the following 2 first candidates: and There is a decision to be made about which candidate represents the best the text America within a given context. In Nexus Forge, resolving candidates are Resources of type kgforge.core.specializations.resources.entity_linking_candidate.EntityLinkingCandidate.

  • candidates ranking: currently, supported candidates ranking criteria is their scores. The following strategies are available:

  • kgforge.core.commons.strategies.ResolvingStrategy.EXACT_MATCH: Only candidates with a perfect score (usually 0 for a distance based score or 1 for a normalised similarity score) are considered and one of them is picked.

  • kgforge.core.commons.strategies.ResolvingStrategy.BEST_MATCH (default): Only candidates with the highest scores that are potentially below a threshold (default to 0.5) are considered.

  • kgforge.core.commons.strategies.ResolvingStrategy.ALL_MATCHES: A list of candidates with scores potentially below a threshold are considered. The size of the list of candidates can be controlled with a limit parameter (default to 10).

The KnowledgeGraphForge class exposes the following function for resolving a str, list of str or a Resource:

forge.resolve(text: Union[str, List[str], Resource], scope: Optional[str] = None, resolver: Optional[str] = None,
             target: Optional[str] = None, type: Optional[str] = None,
             strategy: Union[ResolvingStrategy, str] = ResolvingStrategy.BEST_MATCH,
             resolving_context: Optional[Any] = None, property_to_resolve: Optional[str] = None,
             merge_inplace_as: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = 10, threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5
             ) -> Optional[Union[Resource, List[Resource], Dict[str, List[Resource]]]]

The following code shows the configuration of a scikit-learn based Resolver using the class kgentitylinkingsklearn.EntityLinkerSkLearn and loading a model file named tfidfvectorizer_model_schemaorg_linking (bucket) from a directory (source). The model in this example is a very simple TfidfVectorizer trained on classes. The resulting resource will be mapped to the json structure defined in the result_resource_mapping file.

Full resolver config options and real world examples

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.core import Resource
from kgforge.core.commons.strategies import ResolvingStrategy
# perform pip install nexusforge[linking_sklearn] to use the scikit-learn based resolver
config = """
               name: DemoModel
               origin: directory
               source: ../../../tests/data/demo-model/
               name: DemoStore
                 - resolver: EntityLinkerSkLearn from kgentitylinkingsklearn
                   origin: directory
                   source: "../../data/"
                     - identifier: terms
                       bucket: tfidfvectorizer_model_schemaorg_linking
                   result_resource_mapping: ../../configurations/entitylinking-resolver/entitylinking-mapper.hjson

forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= config)
forge.resolve(text="person", scope="schemaorg", target="terms", strategy=ResolvingStrategy.BEST_MATCH)

A scope is a convenient way to name (any name can be provided) a given Resolver along with a set of sources of data (the targets) to resolve against.

Nexus Forge comes with the support of 5 types Resolvers:

  • OntologyResolver: based on type, label and notation (ie. acronym) filtering using a SPARQL query to generate candidates. An example of configuration is available at examples/notebooks/use-cases/prod-forge-nexus.yml.

  • EntityLinkerSkLearn: based on a pretrained model and using scikit-learn. to generate and rank candidates. To customise the configuration of this resolver (as shown in the resolving example above):

    • Nexus Forge should be installed as follows pip install nexusforge[linking_sklearn]

    • resolver value should be set to EntityLinkerSkLearn from kgentitylinkingsklearn

    • origin value should be set to ‘directory’

    • a folder containing the model should be provided as source value

    • a file name should be provided as value bucket under targets

    • a result_resource_mapping file should be provided to map the result to a json structure

    An example of configuration for EntityLinkerSkLearn is available at examples/notebooks/use-cases/EntityLinkerSkLearn-forge-demo-config.yml.

  • EntityLinkerElastic: based on ElasticSearch text similarity search to generate and rank candidates but require a text embedding or encoding service to compute embeddings of items. An example of configuration is available at examples/notebooks/use-cases/EntityLinkerElastic-forge-demo-config.yml. .

  • AgentResolver: based on type, full, given or family names filtering using a SPARQL query to generate candidates. An example of configuration is available at examples/notebooks/use-cases/prod-forge-nexus.yml.

  • DemoResolver: an example resolver based on filtering by configurable properties and looking up candidates from a json file. An example of configuration is available at examples/notebooks/use-cases/EntityLinkerSkLearn-forge-demo-config.yml.


Reshaping allows keeping only a specific set of properties of a resource.

forge.reshape(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], keep: List[str], versioned: bool = False) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]

Next is an example of reshaping a resource.

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.core import Resource
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml")
resource = Resource(id=_id, name="Jane Doe", type="Person", email="")
forge.reshape(data=resource, keep=["id","name"]) # type and email will be removed


The KnowledgeGraphForge class exposes a set of methods to access configured data types (forge.types) along with their schemas (forge.template) in the form a JSON dictionary. forge.validate validates resources against their corresponding schemas inferred from their types. In case a kgforge.specializations.models.rdf_model.RdfModel is configured, forge.prefixes returns the JSON-LD prefix mappings. The schema templates can be used to create empty resources objects to populate with actual data.

forge.types(pretty: bool = True) -> Optional[List[str]]
forge.template(type: str, only_required: bool = False) -> None
forge.validate(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], execute_actions_before: bool = False) -> None
forge.prefixes(pretty: bool = True) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]

The next example shows how to create and valdiate a resource from a template representing a schema.

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
from kgforge.core import Resource
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml")

print(forge.types()) # Output can be: Person
template = forge.template("Person", output="dict", only_required=True) # Output can be {"type":"Person", "name":""}
template["name"] = "Jane"
resource = forge.from_json(template)


Mappings are declarative rules encoding the logic of transforming data from a given source and format into resources. The transformations rules are parsed by a kgforge.core.archetypes.mapping.Mapping and are executed by a kgforge.core.archetypes.mapper.Mapper. By default, Nexus Forge comes with a kgforge.specializations.mappings.dictionaries.DictionaryMapping and a kgforge.specializations.mappers.dictionaries.DictionaryMapper accepting JSON formatted transformations rules.

The KnowledgeGraphForge class exposes the following method to map data to ressources. Any, mapping: Union[Mapping, List[Mapping]], mapper: Callable = DictionaryMapper, na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]

Next is an example of mapping a JSON formatted data into a different JSON shape with values formatted (id), concatenated (name), resolved (gender) to link them to ontology terms for example or checked for presence (additionalName).

from kgforge.core import KnowledgeGraphForge
forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(configuration= "./config.yml")
data= {
     "id": 123,
     "givenName": "Marie",
     "familyName": "Curie",
     "gender": "female"
mapping_rules = DictionaryMapping("""
 type: Contribution
     id:  forge.format("identifier",
     type: Person
     givenName: x.givenName,
     familyName: x.familyName,
     name: f"{x.givenName}/{x.familyName}"
     gender: forge.resolve(text=x.gender, scope="ontologies", target="terms")
     additionalName: x.middle_name if middle_name in x else ''
resource =, mapping=mapping_rules, na='') # by default the DictionaryMapper is used