
The framework provides a set of archetypes that allows the extension of the different Forge modules to work with different technologies. These are described next.


The Mapper provides the interface to a technology to be used to do the transformation of data.

Mapper(forge: Optional["KnowledgeGraphForge"] = None)
  map(data: Any, mapping: Union[Mapping, List[Mapping]], na: Union[Any, List[Any]]) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]


The mapping interface provides the interfaces to load and serialize mapping files.

Mapping(mapping: str)
  load(source: str) -> Mapping
  save(path: str) -> None


The Model provides the interface for data modeling technologies to be implemented.

Model(source: str, **source_config)
  prefixes(pretty: bool) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]
  types(pretty: bool) -> Optional[List[str]]
  template(type: str, only_required: bool) -> str
  sources(pretty: bool) -> Optional[List[str]]
  mappings(source: str, pretty) -> Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]]
  mapping(entity: str, source: str, type: Callable) -> Mapping
  validate(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None


Resolver(source: str, targets: List[Dict[str, str]], result_resource_mapping: str, **source_config)
  resolve(text: Union[str, List[str], Resource], target: str, type: str,
             strategy: ResolvingStrategy, resolving_context: Any, property_to_resolve: str, merge_inplace_as: str,
             limit: int, threshold: float) -> Optional[Union[Resource, List[Resource], Dict[str, List[Resource]]]]:


The Store provides the interface of storage for different technologies to be implemented.

Store(endpoint: Optional[str] = None, bucket: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, versioned_id_template: Optional[str] = None, file_resource_mapping: Optional[str] = None))
  register(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None
  upload(path: str) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]
  retrieve(id: str, version: Optional[Union[int, str]], cross_bucket: bool) -> Resource
  download(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], follow: str, path: str, overwrite: bool) -> None
  update(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None
  tag(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], value: str) -> None
  deprecate(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None
  search(resolvers: List[Resolver], *filters, **params) -> List[Resource]
  sparql(prefixes: Dict[str, str], query: str) -> List[Resource]
  elastic(query: str, debug: bool, limit: int, offset: int) -> List[Resource]:
  freeze(data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]]) -> None